Join us for a day of exploring Alberta's beautiful mountains and our inner selves.
Trip includes:
return transportation from Calgary
hiking guide
one-hour yoga class with certified instructor
lunch (vegetarian option available on request)
7:30 - 8:00 AM: Gather at Chinook LRT (free parking), load up Big Red and hit the road
9:00 / 9:45 AM: Arrive at trail head/parking, gear up and head out on the trail
11:30 AM / 12:00 PM: Break for lunch, take photos, chat
12:30 / 1:00 PM: Head back to trail head
2:30 / 3:00 PM: Yoga class*
3:30/ 4:00 PM : Depart for Calgary
6:00 / 6:30 PM: Arrive Chinook LRT, Calgary
Located on the west side of Highway 40 across from Mount Baldy, at the north end of Kananaskis Country, Barrier Lake Reservoir is a man made lake built in 1947. It was the first TransAlta hydroelectric plant to be operated by remote control and is one of three plants on the Kananaskis System, part of Alberta’s Bow River Electric System.
Due to it’s relatively small storage capacity, Barrier is considered a run-of-the-river plant. This means it generates electricity using the natural flow of river water and generates an average of 40,000 megawatt hours each year.
The Hike:
This hike will be done in 2 parts, with a short van ride in between.
Part 1: The Kananaskis Integrated Forest Interpretive Trail Which starts near the Colonel’s Cabin and the U of C Field Station
Length: 1 - 2 hours
Distance: 2 - 3 km
Elevation gain: mild
Difficulty: Level 1 (Beginner)
Part 2 Barrier Lake Interpretive Trail, a short climb for a great view!
Length: 1 - 2 hours
Distance: 3-4 km
Elevation gain: mild
Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy)
Please bring plenty of water, a yoga mat**, sunscreen, snacks, and dress in layers and appropriately for the weather (note that the temperature can drop significantly with higher elevation).
* If the weather permits, the yoga portion will be held where we hike, before we leave the park. If weather does not permit (too cold or raining) we will hold an optional 6 pm yoga class at a studio after returning to Calgary
**Yoga mat is provided, however if you prefer more cushion for your practice, please feel free to bring your favorite mat.
Registration (closes 18h before departure).